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Cosmetic | Face




Your face differentiates you from everyone else. It provides identity and interaction with the outside world. It is the most important part of the body with regards to expressing ourselves and building interpersonal relationships. It gives us a sense of self and sets us apart. Dr. Snider will provide her expertise so you can embrace your beautiful face; your identity that is unique to only you. Dr. Snider performs various procedures to restore and enhance your facial features and are aimed toward improving skin laxity, volume loss, wrinkles, facial balance, and overall natural elegance.














A facelift is a surgical procedure designed to reposition the facial structures that have been affected by gravity and age. Dr. Snider uses meticulous technique to remove excess skin and fat, and to re-suspend the deep facial structures into their proper anatomic position. She focuses on natural results so that your face is rejuvenated without a ‘wind-blown’ or ‘surgery’ appearance. The lasting effects of a facelift will allow you to age more gracefully in the years to come.



Neck Lift

Similar to the face, the neck can show significant signs of aging, including loose skin, excess fat deposits, less defined jaw line, and platysmal banding (vertical strips beneath the neck skin). Dr. Snider uses an individualized approach to treat your aging neck, addressing both the superficial and deep structures to restore your youthful appearance, resetting the clock so that you can age more gracefully.


The face can be affected by genetic factors and weight gain. Often unwanted facial fat deposits appear along the jaw line, neck, and under the chin. Through an outpatient procedure called liposculpture, Dr. Snider will create an individualized plan to sculpt your face and neck, leaving you with a defined profile and neckline.



Male Facelift & Necklift

The male facelift and neck lift is becoming a popular procedure for men in their 40s and older. Despite a healthy, active lifestyle, the appearance of your aging face often does not reflect how you feel inside. Many male patients report sagging neck skin, loss of jaw line definition, and deep creases in the lower eyelids as their biggest concerns. Dr. Snider will provide you with an individualized plan of care to restore your face to its more youthful appearance, while maintaining your masculinity and allowing you to age more gracefully.

Nonsurgical Procedures

Minimally invasive nonsurgical facial rejuvenation can be performed with the use of Botox, superficial and deep fillers, microneedling, chemical peels, and lasers. The goal is to inhibit wrinkle formation, restore youthful volume, and improve the overall skin quality of your face. Dr. Snider uses an individualized approach to provide you with the look you are seeking.



Chin Augmentation or Reduction

The chin may be large or small in comparison to other facial proportions. A mentoplasty or genioplasty can be performed to either enhance or reduce the chin point. Often, the chin position can have an impact on the perceived nose position. A genioplasty at the time of rhinoplasty may be performed to rebalance the face and provide a more harmonious appearance overall. Jaw (orthognathic) surgery can also be performed to realign your teeth and occlusion at the same time as repositioning the chin.

Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty

The aging upper and lower eyelid can make you appear overly tired, contribute to dry eyes, or interfere with your peripheral vision. It is important to have an experienced surgeon treat your eyelids, as each component will need to be addressed for ideal balance and the most natural result. Dr. Snider will create a custom plan for the restoration of your eyelids to recapture your more vibrant and youthful appearance. She also offers beautiful results for the Asian eyelid.



Functional Eyelid Surgery

Functional eyelid surgery involves procedures that improve abnormal function of the eyelid, such as ptosis causing vision loss, and reconstruct deformities as a result of cancer or trauma. It requires special understanding of the anatomy of the eyelid and the surrounding structures to obtain effective and lasting results. Dr. Snider brings her expertise in craniofacial surgery and meticulous technique to restore your eyelid tissues for improved eye health and appearance.

Tear Trough Deformity

Dark shadows below the eyes are often a result of a deepened tear trough (indentation below the eye). Nearly everyone has a tear trough, but some develop more prominent ones with age. Dr. Snider uses specific nonsurgical and surgical techniques to soften the tear trough to bring you a refreshed appearance that matches how you feel.



Eyebrow Lift

A furrowed, low set, heavy brow can make you appear tired, stressed, or even angry. As the eyebrow descends with age, it can cause your eyes to appear smaller and closed, and have an impact on the heaviness of your eyelids. Often, an eyebrow lift can be performed with an upper eyelid blepharoplasty for best results. Dr. Snider will discuss all your possibilities to restore and reposition your eyebrows, so that your eyes appear naturally brighter and can once again reflect your positive and happy self.


A nose job, or rhinoplasty, seeks to restore proper anatomic structural alignment of the nose by sculpting the bone and cartilage to obtain smooth and harmonious results, while preserving your ethnic identity and facilitating improved breathing. Dr. Snider’s specialized training in craniofacial surgery provides her with the ability to provide improved aesthetic and functional outcomes, achieving elegant and lasting results.




The nasal septum is the wall that divides your inner nose into two sides with two nostrils. If you have a deviated, or crooked, septum, it can impair your breathing. Dr. Snider will realign and straighten the cartilage and bone of the septum to open the airway and improve your nasal breathing. This will often lead to a straighter appearing nose, and can be combined with a rhinoplasty for best results.

Nasal Trauma

Nasal trauma can lead to changes in the nose that influence your overall facial appearance and nasal breathing. Nasal trauma typically affects the nasal bones and nasal septum, leading to visible asymmetries. Dr. Snider provides an individual plan of care to restore your nose back to its original shape, improve its overall appearance, and enhance nasal breathing.



Chin Augmentation or Reduction

The chin may be large or small in comparison to other facial proportions. A mentoplasty or genioplasty can be performed to either enhance or reduce the chin point. Often, the chin position can have an impact on the perceived nose position. A genioplasty at the time of rhinoplasty may be performed to rebalance the face and provide a more harmonious appearance overall. Jaw (orthognathic) surgery can also be performed to realign your teeth and occlusion at the same time as repositioning the chin.


Vida Bela Plastic Surgery: Chelsea Snider, MD & Abby Culver, MD
3108 Midway Road, Suite 102
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 469-598-2400
Fax: 469-598-2399

Office Hours

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