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Cosmetic | Breast




The breast is a unique feminine organ that demands special care and understanding. Your breast and chest shape are specific to you. We all have individual ‘breastprints,’ like a unique fingerprint, that need to be respected and considered individually and precisely. Surgeries of the breast include augmentation, lift, reduction, reconstruction from trauma or cancer, implant removal, and nipple areola complex restoration. Dr. Snider treats all types of breast concerns, and uses specific measurements and meticulous surgical technique to uniquely implement the look you desire. She will partner closely with you to enhance or restore your perfect breastprint.













Breast Augmentation

Breast implant surgery is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgeries in the world. Currently, breast implants are made of fourth generation silicone with controlled consistency and cohesiveness that increases the safety and durability of the implants. Dr. Snider only uses FDA- approved implants. She will work closely with you to create an individualized plan with regards to the incision, position, volume, type and shape of implant to provide harmony, symmetry and balance to your breasts.



Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Breast suspension surgery, known as mastopexy or breast lift, repositions the breast back onto the chest wall and uses your own breast tissue to provide improved contour. Patients who benefit from this technique are those with sagging breasts that are no longer in their natural position, typically as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and age. If your breasts have become deflated or have a loss of volume, you may benefit from placement of a breast implant at the time of your breast lift, termed implant mastopexy or mastopexy-augmentation. This can provide optimal positioning, shape, and volume of the breast, with additional enhancement of the upper breast fullness.

Nipple-Areola Surgery

The female nipple areola complex is a unique component of the breast and can be affected by pregnancy, breastfeeding, age, cancer, and trauma. Excessive nipple or areola size, retrusion or inversion of the nipple, and loss of the nipple areola complex can be corrected to provide restoration and aesthetic improvement of the breast as a whole. Dr. Snider will help you choose which procedure is best for you to revitalize your nipple areola complex.



Breast Reduction

Breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty) is indicated for women whose large breast size is causing neck or back pain, problems with posture, shoulder grooving, skin rashes, difficulty with activity, or for those patients who simply want smaller breasts. Breast reduction techniques require incisions on the breast to remove excessive glandular tissue and skin. As a result, there are periareolar and inverted-T scars. Dr. Snider uses advanced surgical techniques to provide you with enhanced contour and positioning of your new breasts and a scar that can be hidden in a bikini. Reduction mammaplasty is often covered by insurance.


Gynecomastia surgery is indicated for adolescent boys or men with persistent breast enlargement, typically resulting from hormone changes or an increase in body fat. Gynecomastia is a normal event during puberty in which there is a significant increase in masculinizing hormones that stimulate the breast gland to grow. It typically resolves within two years from puberty. However, if it persists, interpersonal relationships and social development can suffer. Gynecomastia can affect older men as well due to hormone and weight changes, and can be the result of medications such as steroids, cannabis, liver and kidney disease, endocrine disorders, and tumors. Dr. Snider understands that this topic can be difficult for some men, but correction of gynecomastia can be life changing and can help restore your confidence. Dr. Snider uses a minimally invasive technique to limit scaring and provide you with restoration of your masculine chest shape.



Tuberous Breast Deformity

Tuberous breast deformity appears during puberty when a constricting ring at the base of the breast prevents expansion and growth of the breast. The breast tissue then herniates out of the constricted ring and enlarges the nipple-areola complex. Dr. Snider uses advanced techniques to reshape and recreate natural, symmetric breasts that last a lifetime and help prevent difficulties with social development.

Breast Implant Removal

Breast implants are not meant to be lifelong devises that remain in your body forever. It is common to have your implants exchanged every 10-15 years. Patients wish to have their implants removed for various reasons. Sometimes there is scar that forms around the implant that becomes tight and painful. This may represent a capsular contracture, and this scar tissue should be removed at the time of explantation if it is causing symptoms. Implant rupture, implant malposition, breast implant illness, and change of lifestyle may be other reasons for wanting your implants removed. Dr. Snider will listen to you and work with you to create the best plan of care for your body. Many patients look better than anticipated following breast implant removal.



Breast Reconstruction

Breast tissue is composed of glands that produce milk for breastfeeding and ducts that bring the milk to the nipple. In addition to infections and benign processes, the breasts are subject to cancer, such as ductal and lobular carcinomas, sarcomas, and phyllodes tumors. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Lumpectomy or mastectomy, with and without chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy may be a part of your treatment for breast cancer. Dr. Snider treats all types of breast deformities and uses a multidisciplinary strategy, working closely with your oncologist, radiotherapist and breast surgeon to ensure the best comprehensive care. She will provide you with several reconstructive options, including the use of your own tissue for an al-natural result. By developing a relationship with you, Dr. Snider is able create an individualized plan that reflects your emotional, mental, interpersonal, and physical needs.


Vida Bela Plastic Surgery: Chelsea Snider, MD & Abby Culver, MD
3108 Midway Road, Suite 102
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 469-598-2400
Fax: 469-598-2399

Office Hours

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